Tag Archives: science fiction

Official launch of the Pomroy’s World Online 3D virtual world

Click here for information on how to connect to the Pomroy’s World online 3D virtual world.

Finally there is hope.  Don’t despair Pomroy, we are here for you.

As you may have heard, a young teen from Long Island is stranded on a world in a dark matter universe.  You can find out more by reading the novel, Pomroy’s World: Arrival, (paperback), (Kindle).

After you read Pomroy’s World: Arrival, you can help Pomroy find his way home.  The author of Pomroy’s World has set up a 3D virtual world using an open source application called OpenSim (Diva’s Distribution).

Volunteers are need to build the Pomroy’s World online simulation. If we work together it is possible that we might find a way to reach the dark matter universe and rescue Pomroy and his exotic sweetheart Nna.

Everyone is welcome in Pomroy’s World.  Please feel free to explore and build.  The only rule is that everything should be in the spirit of Pomroy’s World.

Click here for information on how to connect to the Pomroy’s World online 3D virtual world.

My new novel, “Pomroy’s World: Arrival” has just been released

Pomroy’s World: Arrival is the first in a series.  It is a fantasy/science fiction novel set in both the real world and the world of dark matter and energy.  The hero is Pomroy, a teen from Long Island.

Pomroy’s World: Arrival is available now online.

You will also be able to obtain it online from other sources in a few days and the Kindle version should be in stores soon.

I hope you enjoy it.